Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hypocrisy of The Liberal Media

I am an avid viewer of, Glenn Beck, on Fox News. A while back he exposed some key members of the Obama Administration,Green Jobs Czar Van Jones and White House Communications Director Anita Dunn. Beck even went as far as setting up a direct phone line to the White House to give him a call if he ever had anything wrong. Of course,they haven't and will never do it.

Beck exposed Van Jones as a convict and Communist and yet he was appointed a position in the Obama Administration! Once word got out and everything appeared to be true Jones resigned in the middle of the night. Also, Beck exposed Anita Dunnm who in a speech to high school students, proclaimed her two favorite philosophers were Mother Teresa and Mao. Dunn later said she was only joking and she still has her job. The point I'm trying to make here is this: If there was just one communist in the Bush Administration,everyone on the left would be having a fit. But since they have their man in office,Barack Obama they turn a deaf ear and he and his communists co-workers do as they please. This is what I see as the hypocrisy of the liberals. The liberals can't be so far gone that they are ok with communists and supporters of communists giving advisory council to the President of The United States; but I guess they are.

What we need to do is keeping fighting this fight. Fight for the truth and defend your country! This year is the year for a true CONSERVATIVE comeback. Conservatives need to regain more ground and I pray that they do.

God bless you and may God bless America

Glenn Beck videos of Van Jones and Anita Dunn:

Health Care Reform

After the recent victory of Republican Scott Brown in the Senate seat formerly held by the late Ted Kennedy, many conservatives feel victory is theres.

But don't celebrate too soon, folks.

The liberals in Congress and the White House still think they can push this thing through, without even reading the entire bill.

The sad thing is that these liberals in our Congress are pushing so hard for this, but don't even understand what the bill would do to this nation!

This bill would allow the Obama Administration to access your private healthcare information, financial information, employer information, etc. Out the door with your privacy.

The Failure of the Republican Party

The Republican Party has completely lost its base. Does that get your attention? The Republicans, when the modern day party was founded, were supposed to be conservative, an alternative to the growing liberalism in the Democratic Party, as is seen today in the party. Now, so called “Republicans” that we elect to our government are no longer supporting the base we the people of this party believe in.
The Republicans are supposed to support a free market. This means not allowing government control of the market, basically letting the market take its course. With the recent economic upheavals in September of 2008, through today, March 2009, the Republicans in both the House and the Senate have supported these bailouts, which continue to throw money in a black hole, never to be seen again, nor to produce anything. The Republican Candidate for the 2008 Presidential Election, Sen. John McCain, even supported the first bailout bill! He helped craft it during the election, and he is supposed to be a Republican! A true Republican would never do this; a Conservative Republican would not even consider it. For the recent Economic Stimulus Package, which in my opinion was another black hole to throw money into, several Republicans in the Senate supported it. Although the Republicans in the House had a change of heart, and refused to support it, it still passed, and the Republicans in the Senate still are not being “true Republicans”. These are other examples of the Republican Party betraying conservatives like this in our government.

The Duty of Americans.

On April 18th 1775, 700 British Soldiers marched upon the towns of Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. Hopefully we all know the story of the "Shot Heard Round the World." The shots that signaled the beginning of the American Revolution. As skirmishes between British forces and American militia intensified, the Second Continental Congress convened at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Though they lacked the legal authority to act as a governing body, the 56 delegates took upon themselves the burden and responsibility of the revolution. In June of 1776, the delegates decided that it was time to send a message to King George III and officially declare the United States independence from Great Britain. This task was put into the hands of Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was a wealthy plantation owner and a scholar. Jefferson's greatest gift was in his writing. He had an eloquence with words that rivals that of any great poet and the Declaration of Independence is considered one of the greatest pieces of writing in history. The main premise of the Declaration is in its title, it was written to declare independence from Great Britain by listing the grievances the colonies had against King George. However it has two more groundbreaking principles that have lasted for over 200 years. First was that during the 18th century countries were ruled by monarchs or kings and queens. These kings and queens derived their justification as rulers through the theory of "Divine Right." Divine Right was the idea that God granted kings and queens their right to rule over the masses. God created the monarchy to be superior to the common people, therefore the monarch had the right to rule. This notion was widely accepted by the people because it was backed by the Vatican. But as the Rennaisance continued in the late 16th and 17th century, this notion came under fire from several notable individuals such as, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and George Mason. Thomas Jefferson drew from all of their ideas and his own and establishes the thought that government is not derived from God, but that it is derived from man.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

James Madison

Why call this endeavor The James Madison Society?

Because he soon grew alarmed at the fragility of the Articles of Confederation, particularly the divisiveness of state governments, and strongly advocated a new constitution. At the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, Madison's draft of the Virginia Plan and his revolutionary three-branch federal system became the basis for the American Constitution of today. Though Madison was a shy man, he was one of the more outspoken members of the Continental Congress. He envisioned a strong federal government that could overrule actions of the states when they were deemed mistaken; later in life he came to admire the US Supreme Court as it started filling that role.

It's time we, as a nation, move back towards what James Madison envisioned. We need to be outspoken as a nation. We need to restore the balance of power.

A Look to the Past

Step into my time machine with me; let’s go back to the mid Eighteenth century. The British Parliament starts to pass legislation that in effect harms progress in the Americas. We should know this hopefully from high school history classes. However, what most don’t know are the minor details.

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined. ~Patrick Henry

The big idea of Public Liberty has been hidden but quite prolific throughout American history. Democracy, Republicanism, Liberty, etc, all these ideas that create the overall ideal of “Public Liberty”. I, for one, am very cautious of politicians. One, far too many politicians have been involved in unscrupulous activities. Two, if I don’t agree with their policies, I don’t trust them with my well being. Prime example, President Obama appointed Mr. Timothy Geithner, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as Secretary of the Treasury, even though this man’s record is not quite square. There are too many contradicting statements about his past, too many sketchy affiliations, and too many sketchy actions now that he has office. I do not trust Timothy Geithner to take care of America’s economy. His plans seem very controlling; it almost feels like a perversion of the old free market values that helped America get to where she was in the 90s. The Fed should not have the ability to shut down businesses that are deemed to be “harming the economy”. Since when did entrepreneurship harm the economy? Capitalism is based on firms competing against similar firms for sales! The Fed has no right to be an “all powerful” moderator with a trigger finger getting twitchy over the delete key! That is not Public Liberty in the slightest.