Sunday, January 24, 2010

Health Care Reform

After the recent victory of Republican Scott Brown in the Senate seat formerly held by the late Ted Kennedy, many conservatives feel victory is theres.

But don't celebrate too soon, folks.

The liberals in Congress and the White House still think they can push this thing through, without even reading the entire bill.

The sad thing is that these liberals in our Congress are pushing so hard for this, but don't even understand what the bill would do to this nation!

This bill would allow the Obama Administration to access your private healthcare information, financial information, employer information, etc. Out the door with your privacy.

Then, if you do not have health insurance or insurance not acceptable by the administration, you would have a huge tax and fines imposed upon you. Never before has the government threatened to fine you if you do not purchase something you do not wish. What is wrong with these people?

This is just scratching the surface, and I could write for days what is wrong with this bill, but the underlying theme here is control. The far left simply wishes to impose their will upon you, and control all your decisions. This is not to benefit the people of this nation.

Would you like to end up with healthcare similar to England, Canada, and other nations that are semi-socialistic? In those nations, citizens have to wait in line for a simple checkup because the government limits money to the health care industry it controls.

The most important thing you can do is to write your Congressmen, especially representatives, and tell them to not accept the Senate version of healthcare. That is the back door liberals are planning on doing, simply ramming the Senate version through the House. Urge your elected officials to oppose this and tell them how much you disagree with this.

God Bless America! We are going to need it!

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