Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Look to the Past

Step into my time machine with me; let’s go back to the mid Eighteenth century. The British Parliament starts to pass legislation that in effect harms progress in the Americas. We should know this hopefully from high school history classes. However, what most don’t know are the minor details.

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined. ~Patrick Henry

The big idea of Public Liberty has been hidden but quite prolific throughout American history. Democracy, Republicanism, Liberty, etc, all these ideas that create the overall ideal of “Public Liberty”. I, for one, am very cautious of politicians. One, far too many politicians have been involved in unscrupulous activities. Two, if I don’t agree with their policies, I don’t trust them with my well being. Prime example, President Obama appointed Mr. Timothy Geithner, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as Secretary of the Treasury, even though this man’s record is not quite square. There are too many contradicting statements about his past, too many sketchy affiliations, and too many sketchy actions now that he has office. I do not trust Timothy Geithner to take care of America’s economy. His plans seem very controlling; it almost feels like a perversion of the old free market values that helped America get to where she was in the 90s. The Fed should not have the ability to shut down businesses that are deemed to be “harming the economy”. Since when did entrepreneurship harm the economy? Capitalism is based on firms competing against similar firms for sales! The Fed has no right to be an “all powerful” moderator with a trigger finger getting twitchy over the delete key! That is not Public Liberty in the slightest.

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