Saturday, January 23, 2010

James Madison

Why call this endeavor The James Madison Society?

Because he soon grew alarmed at the fragility of the Articles of Confederation, particularly the divisiveness of state governments, and strongly advocated a new constitution. At the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, Madison's draft of the Virginia Plan and his revolutionary three-branch federal system became the basis for the American Constitution of today. Though Madison was a shy man, he was one of the more outspoken members of the Continental Congress. He envisioned a strong federal government that could overrule actions of the states when they were deemed mistaken; later in life he came to admire the US Supreme Court as it started filling that role.

It's time we, as a nation, move back towards what James Madison envisioned. We need to be outspoken as a nation. We need to restore the balance of power.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. What is the point of even having a Federal Government if the states just do whatever the hell they want?
