Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hypocrisy of The Liberal Media

I am an avid viewer of, Glenn Beck, on Fox News. A while back he exposed some key members of the Obama Administration,Green Jobs Czar Van Jones and White House Communications Director Anita Dunn. Beck even went as far as setting up a direct phone line to the White House to give him a call if he ever had anything wrong. Of course,they haven't and will never do it.

Beck exposed Van Jones as a convict and Communist and yet he was appointed a position in the Obama Administration! Once word got out and everything appeared to be true Jones resigned in the middle of the night. Also, Beck exposed Anita Dunnm who in a speech to high school students, proclaimed her two favorite philosophers were Mother Teresa and Mao. Dunn later said she was only joking and she still has her job. The point I'm trying to make here is this: If there was just one communist in the Bush Administration,everyone on the left would be having a fit. But since they have their man in office,Barack Obama they turn a deaf ear and he and his communists co-workers do as they please. This is what I see as the hypocrisy of the liberals. The liberals can't be so far gone that they are ok with communists and supporters of communists giving advisory council to the President of The United States; but I guess they are.

What we need to do is keeping fighting this fight. Fight for the truth and defend your country! This year is the year for a true CONSERVATIVE comeback. Conservatives need to regain more ground and I pray that they do.

God bless you and may God bless America

Glenn Beck videos of Van Jones and Anita Dunn:

1 comment:

  1. You hit it right on the nail, Stephen. It is aggravating to see the double standard liberals are playing now that they are in power. It infuriates me to know that, true to what you said, that they would be all over the Bush administration or any other Republican administration.

    We need REAL change this November, and kick out EVERY liberal or R.I.N.O (Republican in Name Only) who has been ignoring the will of the people.
